The powerpoint was always an excellent tool for conferences, meetings, classes, and presentations in general. If you want to develop a company presentation or a personal presentation, you need to master the techniques of the ppt design [desain ppt which is the term in Indonesia]. If you follow the advice listed below, I am sure you will have a professional powerpoint presentation. Here are 5 pieces of advice you need to have professional powerpoint presentation.
Do Not Use Ready Powerpoint Templates
A mistake that many people make when making professional powerpoint presentations is to use the templates listed in the PPT. In general, what you will find there are poor design, bad color combinations, and ugly fonts
Highlight What Is Relevant
Have you heard that saying “less is more”? An excellent suggestion that I can give you is whenever it is possible to use short and objective texts. Also, take advantage of the design to leave the most relevant information highlighted in some way.
Do Not Repeat What Is Written
The main objective of a PowerPoint slide is to demonstrate what you are saying in a presentation. If you are going to repeat exactly what is written in your ppt, something is wrong.
Keep A Pattern
The patron of your slides will be responsible for not generating strangeness in your audience when switching from one slide to another. This pattern usually consists of some more important elements:
- Cores
- Source
- Icons
Use Shocking Images
Many times the images can speak much more than any word, subject, or phrase that you put in your ppt. Visually they enter the minds of their listeners and make their presentation make sense. She is the essence of the saying, “Show, do not tell” (Show, don’t count).